Category Photos

Cupcake Bouquet

I was asked to make some cupcakes for a young girl turning 15. I decided to try a bouquet of cupcakes. Something I hadn’t done before but wanted to try. It turned out pretty well. I loved it and I… Continue Reading →

Caldo Verde

Caldo Verde is a popular soup in Portuguese cuisine. It consists of potatoes, kale, salt and olive oil. When I make my version I add onions, a little bit of minced garlic and of course some choirzo. Xavier and Miguel… Continue Reading →

Chourico Bread with Ham, Peppers and Onions.

Baked With Love. XO

My Little Valentine

“When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew” William Shakespeare


It’s the middle of Winter. It’s cold. It’s icy. I spend my days wishing for Spring. Despite some of the beauty that Winter brings.

Bohemian Waxwings

Outside my kitchen window is a large tree that always has birds hanging around. These guys come every year and clean the tree of it’s berries. Its awesome to watch and even more amazing to stand underneath them to hear… Continue Reading →


Being a family means you are a part of something very wonderful. It means you will love and be loved. For the rest of your life. No matter what. I spent an afternoon with some beautiful families last weekend.

A quick practice shoot

I have been trying to build my confidence to start some mini Christmas sessions, Carmen was kind enough to be my model. It was a nice, sunny mild day. Too sunny for Carmen, so these were the ones I managed… Continue Reading →

Hello Snow!

“When snow falls, nature listens.” – Antoinette Van Kleeff We had our first snowfall this week.

Colorful Autumn

“And the sun took a step back, the leaves lulled themselves to sleep and Autumn was awakened”-Raquel Franco I just happened to be driving by this morning and when I looked out my window the plane with the fall colors… Continue Reading →

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