Category Photos

This little guy!

My little guy is turning 5 in a few days. He is growing up so fast. He has a mind of his own, loves video games and Pokemon. He is my little cuddler and my sidekick. I am so lucky… Continue Reading →

Fall along the river

“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the Fall” – F. Scott Fitzgerald It’s a beautiful Fall day along the river.

Fall- the most beautiful time of year

We have this small park behind our house, it has some amazing little trees right now. I went out just to photograph the dog berry tree but shortly after my beauty joined me and we had a little bit of… Continue Reading →

Morning Dew

Well, my kids have all returned to school and fall is coming fast. I thought I would get out an enjoy this dewy, fall like morning.

As Snug as a Bug

We have these huge sunflowers growing out in our yard which attract many insects. I don’t own a macro lens but I do have some macro extension tubes. They don’t work so well with my newer camera but they work… Continue Reading →

Portugal Summer 2016

>We had decided early spring that we would take our kids to Portugal for the month of July. When the beast came it changed our plans for the better and we ended up spending 2 months in Portugal instead. It… Continue Reading →

Wandering River 2016

When we evacuated Fort McMurray we were initially told to go north but when we came to the turnoff they redirected us south. For 7.5 hours we drove 200kms south of Fort McMurray. We finally ran out of gas in… Continue Reading →

Fort McMurray Evacuation May 2016

On May 3rd life changed for the city of Fort McMurray. A wildfire appropriately named “The Beast” ripped through the city. 80,000 people fled. Some had a little time to prepare while others escaped with just the clothes on their… Continue Reading →

Still life

I have mentioned before that I am a member of the local photography group here in Fort McMurray. They have monthly meetings and we are presented with a challenge at these meetings to get our creative juices flowing. The challenge… Continue Reading →

Birchwood Trails

Another great January day here in Fort McMurray. Today, Earl and I walked around the Birchwood trails. It was a great day, I was a little disappointed that I never saw much that I wanted to photograph. We walked 5… Continue Reading →

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