Category Photos

Max and Carmen. growing up so fast.

Fall is here

I took the kids down to the corn maze today. What a beautiful day.

Little Max is 2

Maxi just celebrated his 2nd birthday. I tried to get some decent photos of this kid but he was too crazy. Bribery is awesome. A few pumpkin jelly candies and we were set but for just a short time.


Exploring Around Wood Buffalo Region


This little grasshopper Max and I chased around the deck for a while before he decided to jump off.

Calgary Road Trip

We just returned from a road trip to Calgary. These are the photos that I managed to snap along the way.


Today in the mail I received some macro rings and I was lucky enough to have a couple of beetles and ladybugs to land on my deck.

Trying some macro.

Today I was visiting my friend and she has the most beautiful Peony plant. I couldn’t help but take some photos. So, I tried some Macro. I loved the unopened buds of the plant, the symmetry was just drawing me… Continue Reading →

Borealis Park

So, my birthday isn’t until July but my husband gave me my gift early, a 20mm lens. I took a couple of photos today with it at Borealis Park.

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