Tag Alberta

Some of September so far.

Summer is over(sigh)

Coming to an end

Summer is winding down, I’m still trying to catch some wildlife here around Fort McMurray. It’s not an easy task. I think I’ll get some camo and hang out in the woods!

July 2023-Road Trip

What did I do this summer?

I photographed a fox family. Watching them grow has been awesome.

Canada Day Fireworks

Happy Canada Day 2023! Fireworks were awesome.

June 2023

A Skulk of Foxes(Golden Hour)

A few facts about these foxes. -they have a short life span, they live 2-3 years -a female is called Vixen, a male is called a Dog, Tod or a Reynard -a baby fox is called a Kit, Pup or… Continue Reading →

Rainy days in June

May26, 2023 Sunset

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