Tag nature

Leave It To Beaver

We were down at the river where the beavers were busy. It was the first time I had seen a beaver.

Along the Skeena

Work Channel

I loved this place, it is magical there. It was on and off light rain and I found a little nook that was covered in with these mossy, rich green colored trees. I was so glad I tagged along with… Continue Reading →

Around Prince Rupert Harbour

It rained lots while we were in Prince Rupert. But when it stopped I got out to take some photos.

Eagles of Prince Rupert

No trip to Prince Rupert is ever complete without photographing some eagles. I hope you enjoy.


A new word I learned today. Petrichor. A pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather.

lovin’ the weather

The weather here has been so beautiful. I went for a walk this morning. Here is what I was photographing.

I love Spring.

“We can never have enough nature” Henry David Thoreau

Bohemian Waxwings

Outside my kitchen window is a large tree that always has birds hanging around. These guys come every year and clean the tree of it’s berries. Its awesome to watch and even more amazing to stand underneath them to hear… Continue Reading →

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