Tag river

It’s Fall.

Some of September so far.

Geese on the Snye

Leave It To Beaver

We were down at the river where the beavers were busy. It was the first time I had seen a beaver.

Days Later, Fort McMurray Flood 2020

I managed to get out and take a few photos now that the water has receded. Lots of damage around town to peoples homes and businesses. In an empty lot I came across a door belonging to a child’s bedroom,… Continue Reading →

Fort McMurray Flooding

These photos were taken on April 27, 2020. Unfortunately, downtown has been barricaded off so I couldn’t get any photos of the devastation that has severely impacted many residents and business owners in Fort McMurray.


Autumn paints in colors that Summer has never seen

Fall along the river

“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the Fall” – F. Scott Fitzgerald It’s a beautiful Fall day along the river.

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